Monday, September 1, 2014

Potential Trumps Brains

I thought this Harvard Business Review ("21st Century Talent Spotting," June 2014) take on hiring addresses some of the shortcomings we see in building global teams. Potential now trumps brains, experience, and "competencies" as a measure of success. 
As the article explains, in the past few decades, organizations have emphasized "competencies" in hiring and developing talent. Jobs have been decomposed into skills and filled by candidates who have them. 
But the volatile and complex business environment of the 21st-century, and the fact that the market for top talent is very tight, means that model doesn't work anymore. 
Key to a good fit for a candidate, today, is the ability to adapt to ever-changing business environments and grow into challenging new roles. Potential is more important than experience. 
Five key indicators are suggested for assessing prospective employees: the right motivation, curiosity, insight, engagement, and determination. 
One you've caught the top talent, your job will be to keep them with smart retention strategies and stretch assignments. 
It's a tall order for any hiring manager, but one that will build and retain a successful team.

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